

Done Projects

My Works

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Course Web Page Project

This is simply a static site hosted on my GitHub page, which holds course details and an easily usable registration form. Have a look at it and see the work in action !

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Event Management Project

A static site demonstrating early offers and festivals for customer attraction. Check it on my GitHub and see for yourself !

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Facebook Login Page Project

It is detailed work, replicating a very popular social media website that gives evidence of my potential to clone intricate web interfaces in an ethical way. Find it on my GitHub.

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StopWatch Project

This very simple tool can let you realize some of my skills connected with creating dynamic web applications. You are welcome to check it on my GitHub !

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Weather App Project

This project represents my skills in the realization of interactive informational web applications. You can find this at my GitHub page to see how real-time weather updates work !

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Thought-Shelf App Project

This app highlights my skills in building interactive Thought-Shelf. Check it out on my GitHub to see how ThoughtShelf keeps your reading journey organized!